Part: 1 User Management: creating user, group & password

User Management : Managing user account is an essential task for system administrtor. In linux there are two type of user 1. root user(admin) & 2. local user .

Some important files to check for user-related information:

  • /etc/passwd - Contains information about all user accounts on the system, such as username, UID, GID, home directory, and shell.
  • /etc/shadow - Stores encrypted user passwords and related information like password expiration. Only root has read access.
  • /etc/group - Lists all the groups on the system and their members. Useful for group management and permissions.
  • /etc/sudoers - Defines sudo permissions, specifying which users or groups can run commands as the superuser or another user.

What is /etc/login.defs file used in Linux?
/etc/login.defs is a configuration file in Linux that defines default settings for user account management. It is used by tools like useradd, usermod, and passwd to set system-wide defaults for various user attributes such as password policies, user ID ranges, Home directory creation, and login parameters. The settings in this file help enforce consistent configurations across all user accounts.

Some known User Management parameters:
PASS_MAX_DAYS - Sets the maximum number of days a password is valid before it must be changed. Passwords must be changed every 90 days.


PASS_MIN_DAYS : Specifies the minimum number of days between password changes. Users must wait at least 7 days before changing their password again.

PASS_WARN_AGE - Sets the number of days before password expiration that a user will be warned. Users will be warned 7 days before their password expires.


UID_MIN and UID_MAX - Defines the range of user IDs (UIDs) for regular users. New users will be assigned UIDs between 1000 and 60000.

UID_MIN  1000

UID_MAX  60000

GID_MIN and GID_MAX - Sets the range of group IDs (GIDs) for regular users. New groups will have GIDs between 1000 and 60000.

GID_MIN  1000

GID_MAX  60000

CREATE_HOME -  Controls whether a home directory should be created for new users by default. users will have a home directory created automatically.


UMASK - Sets the default file permission mask for new files and directories created by users.  files will have permissions 700, allowing only the owner to read, write, and execute.

UMASK   077

ENCRYPT_METHOD - Defines the method used for encrypting user passwords. The SHA-512 algorithm is used for encrypting password.


LOGIN_RETRIES - Sets the number of allowed failed login attempts before blocking the user. user can attempt to log in 5 times before being temporarily blocked.


What is file /etc/sysconfig/useradd used in Linux system?

/etc/sysconfig/useradd file in Linux sets default settings for creating new user accounts. It's commonly used in Red Hat-based systems like Rocky Linux, CentOS, and RHEL.

Files content might look like:

GROUP=1000: New users will be part of a group with ID 1000 (usually named "dev" or "staff").

HOME=/data/users: New user home folders will be created in /data/users instead of the default /home.

INACTIVE=30: The account gets locked if the password hasn't been updated in 30 days after it expires.

EXPIRE=2024-12-31: The user account will automatically expire on December 31, 2024.

SHELL=/bin/zsh: New users will use the Zsh shell by default instead of Bash.

CREATE_MAIL_SPOOL=yes: A mail file will be created for each new user to receive emails.

What is /etc/skel?

/etc/skel is a template folder in Linux.

When you create a new user, the files from /etc/skel are copied to the new user's home directory.

It provides default settings for new users, so everyone starts with basic configuration files.

Default Files in /etc/skel

Common files you might find in /etc/skel:

.bashrc: A script that sets up the shell environment, like colors and aliases.

.bash_profile or .profile: Runs when the user logs in and sets up environment variables.

.bash_logout: Runs commands when the user logs out, like clearing the screen.

.bashrc example:
Welcome Message: Prints "Welcome to your Linux shell!" each time a new terminal is opened.
#vim  .bashrc
echo "Welcome to your Linux shell!"

echo "List files & directory : $(ls -l)"

echo "Today's date and time: $(date)"

# source ~/.bashrc  
Now, logout terminal and start again, after you will get a message. 

.bashrc other example for alias
# 2. Create a few helpful aliases 

alias ll='ls -lh' # Lists files with human-readable sizes 

alias rm='rm -i' # Prompts before deleting files 

alias cp='cp -i' # Prompts before overwriting files 

alias mv='mv -i' # Prompts before moving/renaming files


What is .bash_profile?

.bash_profile is a shell script that runs only when a user logs in. It sets up the user's environment, such as PATH variables and custom commands.

bash_profile   example:

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/custom_scripts
export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/python3

# 5. Add a directory to the PATH for easy access to custom scripts 

export PATH=$PATH:/home/$USER/scripts    

source ~/.bash_profile

User Management usefull commands:
1. Documentation for useradd command
[root@server ~]# man useradd

2. Create a user 
[root@server ~]# useradd tom
Note: tom == username

Create one more user
[root@server ~]# useradd Jerry
Note: When you create a user, it's information save in /etc/passwd file

3. Show user information
[root@server ~]#  cat /etc/passwd

4. Grep specific user from /etc/passwd file
[root@server ~]#  cat /etc/passwd | grep tom

5. Describe field of /etc/passwd
Ex: It has 7 field, will explain one by one below

tom: User name
x   : Password saved in encrypted form
509 : User ID (UID)
509 : Group ID (GID)
::  : Comment (For extra information )
/home/tom: Home directory
/bin/bash : Shell

Note: When you create a user with name tom, with same name a group tom also create.

6. Create/Set password for a user
[root@server ~]# passwd tom

Note: created password save in /etc/shadow file

7. Show /etc/shadow file
[root@server ~]# cat /etc/shadow

Ex: It has 6 field, will explain one by one below

8. Create a group
[root@server ~]# groupadd linux
Note: When you create a group, it save in /etc/group file

9. Show /etc/group file
[root@server ~]# cat /etc/group

Ex: It has 3 field, will explain one by one below

Q: can we set password on group ?
Yes, with command
[root@server ~]# gpasswd linux
Note: group password information save in /etc/gshadow file

10. show group password 
[root@server ~]# cat /etc/gshadow

11. Documentation for userdel command
[root@server ~]# man userdel

Note: userdel command is use to delete a user

12. Delete a user
[root@server ~]# userdel tom

Note: above command delete user but not delete user home directory. You can check in /home/ folder.

12. Delete user with home directory
[root@server ~]# userdel -r Jerry
[root@server ~]# userdel -rf username

Note: Jerry== username, -r == will delete user but ask for deleting, -f == for forcefully delete

13. How to check last password modification date in Linux
[root@server ~]# chage -l  shahzad
Last password change                                                    : May 30, 2017
Password expires                                                              : never
Password inactive                                                             : never
Account expires                                                                : never
Minimum number of days between password change      : 0
Maximum number of days between password change     : 99999
Number of days of warning before password expires      : 7

[root@server ~]# cat /etc/shadow | grep shahzad

14. Describe /etc/shadow file in Linux

1 -  system login username
2 -   Password filed
3 -   Password modification date (May 30, 2017)
4 -   Minimum number of days between password change through user  ( 0 means no password expiration set)
5 -   Maximum number of days between password change
6 -   Number of days of warning before password expires

Create a New user with different home directory
[root@server ~]# useradd -d /data/shahzad shahzad
Note: defined home directory for user shahzad is /data/shahzad 
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