How to backup and restore zimbra email account using webmail

You can take zimbra email account backup from zimbra webpanel .

Create email backup from zimbra  webmail

I am going to take backup of email account .As above is zimbra account spanshot in which few email are available in inbox.

1. Login in to user account
2. Go to preference option
3. Click on Import/Export
4. Now in export section , select what source folder backup you want to tak. I my case i have taken complete backup . Below the source option Advance settings is available , there you can categorize backup selection as per your need.

Snapshot of  zimbra email account backup

5. Click on Export , download the backup.

Restore email backup in zimbra from webmail
Choose account where you require to restore email backup. I have an account named as I will restore email account backup in this account.

1. Login in to user account
2. Go to preference option
3. Click on Import/Export
4. Now in Import section , upload email backup  and select destination where at you want to import backup. I have created a folder as backup. I am restoring backup on backup folder. You may choose accordingly.

Snapshot of  zimbra email account backup restore

5. Click on Import ,  backup import started it takes time to import complete backup at destination depends on backup size.

Backup imported successfully, below are snapshot .

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