mkdir command in linux

mkdir command: This command is use to crate the directory / folder.
Command syntax:
Command option argument

Help command
# mkdir --help

Create a directory
# mkdir dir1

Create multiple directory
# mkdir dir2 dir3

Create directory under /root directory
# mkdir /root/dir4

Create multiple directory along with parent directory  
Use -p option to create parent directory
#  mkdir -p  dir5/dir6/dir7

Create multiple directory inside directory dir6
# mkdir dir5/dir6/{data1,data2,data3}

list created directory
# cd dir5/dir6
# ls
data1  data2  data3  dir7

Create directory with permission
# mkdir -m 777 data4

List permission of directory
# ls -ld data4
drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 6 Aug 13 16:57 data4
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